Audrey MacNamara Sheldon

My mission is to create a sacred space that is steeped in the practices of non-judgement, non-harming, humility, respect of ourselves and others as well as unconditional love and compassion for all living beings. This is a space to learn sincere gratitude for the being that you truly are, and to cu


doTERRA Wellness Advocate

I’m so excited to be partnering with doTERRA to provide another powerful tool to facilitate dramatic self healing.This will provide my growing community with quality products, support and education to become their own wellness advocates. To take our health; physically, mentally and emotionally into our own hands. This combined with yoga, meditation, and reiki we are armed with powerful tools and practices to cultivate health and wellness in all areas of our experience.

If you wish to find out more about getting essential oils into your home for the same price as I pay please txt me at 336-404-0966.


©2016 Audrey McNamara Sheldon